

It is too expensive

Delivered an average ROI of 5.7 times the initial investment (a return of more than $100,000)

  • Executive productivity improvements (reported by 53% of executives)
  • Organizational strength improvements (48%)
  • Quality improvements (48%)
  • Customer service improvements (39%)
  • Greater retention of executives who received coaching (32%)
I don't have time

Executive Coaching is about CEOs and executive leadership learning how to use their fixed time and limited energy. Executive coaching is about setting your top priorities and creating the margin in your life you need to live out the best, most authentic version of you.  Executive Coaching is like adding more time to your schedule. Soon you will be able to do more with less.

There is too much homework

This is just not true. Bring 360 meets you as a leader where you are. The practical leadership exercises we will work through together is what will grow and strengthen your leadership muscles. Your Bring 360 Executive Coach’s takes the guesswork out of leadership. Your results from pressing into these leadership exercises will be immediate and long lasting. 

I am not ready to make a commitment to coaching twice a month for 1 hour.

Look at your business and look at your team(s) are they dysfunctional, unhealthy and lack cohesion? If you have said “yes” to even one of these, it is time for you to make a commitment to leadership.

I do not need a coach, I can do this.

Is that true? Even the very best of athletes and top performers have coaches. It is impossible to see all of the areas in your life. A Bring 360 executive coach offers the accessibility, accountability, ensures your achievements and success.

How do I know if I need this?

A leader who is ready, knows when it is time to take the next step. Take your assessment now to get started.